Tag Archive: community

  1. Executors Questions Answered

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    On the 7th of August Zande Law ran a seminar on ‘Executors Questions Answered’. A big thank you to all of our guests. Judging from feedback, all information was well received.

    Watch out for upcoming seminars!

  2. Grey Matters Live!

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    Ageing. Your Choice. Your Life. Your way.

    What a great success and fantastic day all round.

    We had an honest conversation about growing older in Australia, at our local North Lakes Hotel,

  3. Generation Dance Sponsor

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    Zande Law were delighted to help sponsor a group of students from GENERATION DANCE.

    Our donation will help them travel to the USA in April to perform in Disneyland, Universal Studios and Hollywood.

    Josh Zande had the pleasure of delivering our donation and joining in rehearsal!

  4. Fun Run Winnings Directed to Nepal Earthquake Relief Effort

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    On 16 August 2015 Zande Law again participated in the North Lakes Community Fun Run event, with runners participating in the 5km and 2km individual events, as well as a team of four runners entered into the Community Shield relay event.  We are delighted to announce that this year, our fantastic team of brilliant runners managed to snag second place, which is an improvement on last year’s third place.  As second place winners, the firm earned prize money of $300.00 which was available to be donated to a charity of our choice.  As the Dadagaun Village Project Earthquake Relief Fund is the firm’s designated charity for this year, it was decided that these monies should be passed onto that charity and in accordance with Zande Law’s dollar for dollar donation match pledge, an additional $300.00 was donated simultaneously from our own funds.  Pictured are two of the fantastic runners from the day, Hayden and Tilly handing over the donation funds to Christine and Kurt Marschner of the Dadagaun Village Project.  Christine and Kurt have both confirmed that the need for ongoing support and funds in the Nepal area is still enormous and with winter approaching and many homes still not yet reconstructed these needs are becoming increasingly urgent.  Three messages that are considered particularly important to relay are:

    • The charities which are working to help rebuild the Dadagaun Village are very much working in partnership with local communities to ensure that the maximum amount of assistance is matched to the magnitude and priority of each family’s individual need;
    • With a strong locally based committee of both Nepalese and western businessmen co-ordinating efforts on a largely volunteer basis, minimal money is being lost in the administration costs which often heavily gouge away at donation dollars coming out of western nations; and
    • As pleasing as it was to see the magnitude and speed with which the world first responded to the quake victims in the days and weeks which followed, the rebuild of the affected areas of Nepal will take a very long time and consequently, international public awareness of the ongoing need for financial assistance and other forms of aid is vitally important to be maintained.

    Zande Law has pledged ongoing support to the Dadagaun Village Project Earthquake Relief Fund in other fundraising activities that it has planned for the remainder of this year and into next year.

  5. Nominated Charity is Nepal

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    We all heard about the earthquake that devastated Nepal in April this year, killing over 8,800 people and injuring more than 23,000. Zande Law would like to support the people affected by this natural disaster, as many still struggle from the damaging affects of the earthquake and after shocks. Countless people were made homeless and have had to survive in temporary shelter. Our nominated charity this year is the Dadagaun Village Project Earthquake Relief Fund which is helping to collect funds for the rebuilding of the village. The people of Dadagaun village were spared their lives however they are in desperate need of support to rebuild their homes and local orphanage.

    As has become tradition for our firm, we request that for the small jobs we do for our clients for free, we would greatly appreciate the client to make a donation to this charity instead of paying us. At the end of the year Zande Law will match donations dollar for dollar, effectively doubling every donation. In addition, we will also contribute our Christmas donation to the Dadagaun Village Project Earthquake Relief Fund. We hope you will help us to make a truly positive difference to the people affected by this devastating earthquake. Find out more about the charity here www.dadagaun.com and make your donation through this page www.dadagaun.com/earthquake-relief-fund. Thank you.



    Donate via the link at

    Dadagaun Earthquake Relief

  6. The Worst Mo Ever?

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    Thanks to all of our friends and family who have supported our own Michael Zande in his first ever attempt at growing a Mo for the “Movember” Men’s health charity appeal. The jury results are in and everyone agrees that it was a woeful effort but at least we have raised some good donations and awareness for the cause. It’s not too late to get involved and donate or just give us your feed-back. For money Just Google Movember and then click on the “Donate” button in the top left hand corner then either type in “Michael Zande” in the search section and then follow the prompts or if you’d prefer to donate anonymously, click on the “general” section and again just follow the prompts. For feed-back just email us here at info@zandelaw.com.au and we will post it up on the Movember web site – be as brutal as you like it can’t be any worse than what has already been said.

  7. The Lakes College Fun Run

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    Zande Law was proud to again be a major sponsor of The Lakes College Fun Run in 2013. Staff and their families enjoyed a fun day in the community with a great turn out for all the events. The North Lakes scenary has provided a beautiful back drop to what has turned into a large gathering for the community.