Family Law

The Benefits in Settling

  • October 2, 2024

In the Court’s most recently available end of financial year report, the Brisbane Registry topped the country in Divorce Applications despite Sydney and Melbourne having approximately twice the population. Interestingly, the gap widened when it came to matters settling by way of Consent Orders and again Brisbane led the nation with approximately 40% more cases…

Property keeps getting bigger

  • August 14, 2024

Last year it was reported that Australia had reached the milestone of 1 in every 18 babies being conceived from IVF procedures which was a steady increase from previous reporting years. While experts are hesitant to suggest the trend will continue – the “Covid effect” has made predictions difficult – it is at least clear…

Re-partnering after separation but before the divorce

  • June 21, 2024

In cases where one (or both) spouse(s) might have re-partnered before that spouse has completed formal property division of assets (property settlement) with the first spouse, problems can arise. In a scenario where Bob is still finalising a property settlement with Mary but has now fallen in love with Jane and wants to immediately commence…

Can I lock in my child support payments?

  • January 31, 2024

Can I lock in my child support payments? It’s possible for parents to organise and maintain private agreements in relation to child support obligations and for this money to be paid either directly to the supplier (such as a school) or to the other parent’s nominated bank account. However, for parents wanting these arrangements to…

Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

  • October 30, 2023

Worried you will be falsely accused of committing Domestic Violence? Here’s how to protect yourself Whilst there is an unfortunately increasing number of Domestic Violence allegations being reported in our community, there are instances where a person may attempt to weaponise a false or exaggerated report in order to exercise power, influence and control over…

What’s in a name?

  • June 10, 2022

Earlier this year, a Court in Italy ruled that children will automatically have the last names of both parents unless they agree otherwise. It remains to be seen how this will affect circumstances where one parent is absent or perhaps a perpetrator of severe domestic violence, though it would seem likely that future laws will…

Can you smack your Kids?

  • November 15, 2021

Under the Queensland Criminal Code the act of physically striking a person is an assault and is punishable by fines and even imprisonment of up to seven (7) years in extreme cases. Section 280 of the Code however, permits a parent or their proxy to use reasonable force in administrating correction or discipline of a…

DIVORCE: How can you pick a good Family Lawyer from a bad one?

  • November 26, 2020

DIVORCE How can you pick a good Family Lawyer from a bad one? The selection criteria to choose a Lawyer for representation in a relationship breakdown is usually restricted to what can be seen from alluring websites, advertising and the Lawyer’s own boasts about levels of experience and longevity in the industry. The truth of…

Why litigate your family law matter when you can mediate?

  • October 12, 2020

Why litigate your family law matter when you can mediate? Sorting out the division of property/debts and resolving ongoing care arrangements for children is often very problematic at the end of a relationship. If the couple cannot agree, they have the option of putting the dispute into the Family Court and having a Judge resolve…

The February 2020 Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence – Part 2

  • August 13, 2020

The February 2020 Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence Did it fail? PART 2 Well, let’s look at some of the recent statistics: The overall number of deaths has fluctuated but shown no sustained decrease; There’s been less physical violence since the 90’s but an increase in sexual assaults; and In Queensland, we’ve had a double-digit…